Benefits & Well-being Thumbs Left
Portal de Beneficios & Bienestar Thumbs Right

Benefits & Well‑being

GOintegro is a Digital Portal designed to showcase all the organization's benefits, suited to each employee's well-being needs.

All the solutions for your benefits and wellness initiatives needs consolidated in one place.

Benefits Communication

Find all the functionalities to communicate the organization's general benefits, and the individual benefits for each employee section.

Benefits & Well-being: Benefits Communication

Push Notifications

Segmented Spaces

All Company Spaces

Posts on the Social Wall

Real-Time Updates

Integration with In-House Benefits

Special Dates Programs

Rewards and Incentives Programs

Wellness Programs

GOintegro offers a portal to integrate all current initiatives, adding new programs, content, and activities, thus increasing adoption and impact.

Benefits & Well-being: Wellness Programs

Professional Well-being

Physical Well-being

Emotional Well-being

Social Well-being

Financial Well-being

Gointegro | Edenred Content

Partner Content

Social Activity & Interaction

Challenges & Activities

GOintegro provides a calendar with online activities every month, developed by experts to encourage employees and teams improving their well-being.

Benefits & Well-being: Challenges & Activities

Live Activities & Recordings

Talks & Webinars

Classes & Forums

Tips & Recommendations

Social Interaction

Trivia & Contests

Surveys & Experiments

Integration with Third Parties

Discount Network

An exclusive marketplace-like space with thousands of businesses distributed in 12 categories, each of them offering a variety of deals to improve personal and family savings.

Benefits & Well-being: Discount Network

Global Geolocation


Products, Services & Experiences


Featured Offers

Filters & Search

Agreement Management

Wellness Collections

Flexible Benefits

Redeemable credits valid for personalized benefits, tailored for each organization's strategy and its employees' interests.

Benefits & Well-being: Flexible Benefits

Segmented Marketplace

Configurable Benefits

Wallet Configuration

Leisure Management

Configurable Reasons


Multiple Programs

Push Notifications