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The largest and most diverse offer network across Latin America, for the benefit of all employees' financial wellness.

Offers and discounts that help employees better manage their expenses.

Agreements Management

Dedicated teams to ensure the best management and guarantee the maintenance and continuous growth of the network of affiliated businesses.

Discount Network: Agreements Management

Continuous Management

New Businesses Search

Monthly Network Expansion

Agreement Renewal

Conditions and Validity

Referred Businesses

Discount Codes

Favorites Gallery

Seasonal Offers

Management of benefits and seasonal offers according to key dates on the annual calendar, to facilitate consumption through discounts.

Discount Network: Seasonal Offers

Annual Planning

Special Offers

Mother's Day

Father's Day

Children's Day


Back to School


Filters & Search

Application of search filters by subcategory, type of point of sale, and discount percentage, tailored to meet each specific need.

Discount Network: Filters & Search

Search in 20+ Countries

Free Text Search

Result Sorting


Online or In-Site

Offered Discount


Most Recent Offers

Special Collections

Grouping of offers to increase visibility and enhance usage, highlighting the best conditions alongside the network of agreements.

Discount Network: Special Collections

Definition of Topics

Products, Services & Experiences

Collections on the Social Wall

Featured Brands

Wellness Collections

Custom Design

Email Campaigns

Store Geolocation

A feature that recognizes the employee's location and shows them the available offers at the nearest businesses.

Discount Network: Store Geolocation

Location by Coordinates

Real-Time Location

Distance Filter

Manual Location Search

Businesses in 20+ Countries